Register Teams to Tournament
If a tournament has team categories, you can register a team to participate. Follow these steps:
Navigate to Tournament Page: Go to the tournament page via the school navigation and select the tournament you want to register a team for.
Initiate Team Registration: Click on the "Register Team" button to open the registration dialog.
Fill in Team Details: In the registration dialog, fill in the team name and select the players for the team. Click on the "Create" button to register the team for the tournament.
View Registered Teams: After refreshing the page, you will see a "Teams" tab on the tournament page. Here, you can view the registered teams and edit their details.
Edit Team Details: Click on the "Edit" button next to the team you want to modify. In the edit dialog, you can change the team name and players. Click on the "Save" button to save the changes. To remove the team from the tournament, click on the "Remove" button.
Congratulations! You've successfully registered a team to participate in the tournament within Kumite Technology. Repeat these steps as needed to manage team registrations effectively.